Saturday, November 26, 2011


How are you doing with your faith?

Haha just kidding. I don't even know what that question means. I feel like we Christians use this language a lot with out understanding the very surface of what we are saying. "How are you are doing with your faith" has some strange implications. It implies faith is something that you aquire by your own will. I believe that having faith has a decision involved, but i do not think that anyone can go into things deliberately in order to strengthen their faith. Everyone's faith will be tested through the course of time and by extreme boredom.

Faith is that thing that people fall back on when everything around them seems to be meaningless.

In Ecclesiates, Solomon seems to only see the world as vanity. The interesting thing is that vanity cannot recognize itself. When Solomon declares that the entire world holds no meaning, he says so on a very particular basis.
      He Knows that there is meaning in this world and that God's hand is somehow on it and that His promises will some true, but he looks around the world and sees no evidence of this.
This is faith.

When i came to college, i expected there to be seriously hard times. What i did no expect, however, was the immense amount of spiritual boredom that met me as i stepped into classes. Spiritually, I have been as dry as ever. It made me angry and i still am to some extent. Part of me desperately wants to have my passion back. That burning fire was what kept me going for so long. Now i have study the literary structure in the Old Testament simply in order to get a good grade on a test. Its boring. But sometimes, it is what is needed.

The passion won't always be there. But sometimes, it is up to us to decide if we still want to follow Him.
          Whatever that means.

Love, Frank

1 comment:

  1. To be Frank, I think I quite Frankly like that you have a blog.

    I haven't forgotten about you boys.
    I think and pray in love for you two often.

    Mailing address?

    With that good kind of love that comes from LOVE itself,
    Ruthann, your sis.
